Here it is six months into the year. It's evaluation time for me. I didn't make any special resolutions at the beginning of the year. I decided I didn't really need resolutions. I needed revolutions! I needed revolutions in my soul. I knew that God wanted more for my life and from my life. I was determined to continue to grow and improve and change. I knew I needed change! I was so passionate about it. Then guess what happened? Things started changing.
All of a sudden, as I moved in the direction of change and growth, my whole life flipped the script. Life was turned upside down and shaken. There was no area untouched. Family members started having health problems. All of a sudden things were crazy on my job. Friends that have been in my life for a long time started acting up. I was faced with one crisis on top of another. If I told you everything, you wouldn't believe it. It was like the gates of hell opened wide and every demon was charging at me. It appeared that I was under attack every where I went. I felt like I was "targeted for take out by any means necessary!"
I would pray and Heaven just seemed silent. I begin to question if I really believed what I said I believed. I begin to wonder what was I doing so wrong to cause such a major crash in my life. I was questioning my purpose. Here I am "The Motivator!" I'm the one who always has an encouraging word- always pushing people to pursue positive lasting changes and reach for higher heights. What's up with that? I thought I was letting down everyone who believed in me. All of a sudden, all I wanted to do was find a safe place to hide. I just wanted the storms to cease. Whew!
I knew deep on the inside that I couldn't quit. Although I didn't feel like one, I knew that I was a champion and that God had called me more than a conqueror. I tried to keep making the "up choices" even in the down times. Now I would love to tell you that I weathered my storm perfectly. I'd love to tell you that I didn't make any mistakes and that I wasn't moved by fear at any time. On the contrary. I had to face plenty of fear but I faced it. However what I will share with you is some things I learned and had to learn again on my pursuit.
There is pain in change and growth. Any time you start your pursuit of going to another level, several things are going to happen:
You going to face opposition! Often times you will feel inadequate as you face your opposition. When facing opposition, we must keep in mind who the battle is really with and choose our weapons correctly (Eph. 6). You have to remember that if you are pursuing God and His will for your life, He will have your back. He will bring you through every affliction and attack. He will not allow you to be defeated! You have to keep in mind from the beginning that your end will be victorious!
You are going to have to change your way of thinking. You have to remember that your current way of thinking and your current level of knowledge will only keep you at your current state. Read new books. Build new relationships with people that will encourage your growth. Increase your biblical study time, prayer time and overall time in God's presence. Saturate yourself in God's thoughts.
You will leave some things or someone behind. Sometimes those things are friends. Not everyone is willing to go to another level and often times those same people will try to prevent you from going. Once you've made your commitment to change, don't let other people pull you back into old habits or make you feel bad for wanting to grow. Be careful who you allow into your inner circle. Be careful who you share your dreams with. Not everyone wants you to succeed or be happy.
You are going to "feel" like giving up. You will "feel" afraid. You are going to "feel" off balanced. You will "feel" like you're in this thing all alone. You will "feel" like a stranger to your own self. You are going to "feel, feel, feel" but feelings are subject to change! So, you can not let your feeling rule over you
You must learn that what you are going through is not just about you! There are other lives that God wants you to touch and affect.
You will have to become less dependent on yourself and your own way of thinking and become more dependent upon God. I find that can be quite challenging especially for those of us who like to feel as if we are in control of our lives. As we become less dependent upon ourselves and more dependent on God, we will soon discover that we can weather the storms and opposition in our lives because God is taking care of us- .
You will have to retreat sometimes. It's OK. We can retreat to safety as long as that safe place is in the presence of God. Here we open ourselves up to restoration and healing. Remember, even Jesus took time to retreat.
You will discover that you can be and probably will be your own worst enemy, The only one that can truly stop the progress in your life is you-- not the enemy- not your friends--you- by the daily choices you choose to make, the thoughts you choose to think and by the words that come out of your mouth!
You will have to learn how to celebrate your accomplishments. It's OK to celebrate you!
Are you ready for a revolution to break forth in your soul? What changes do you need to make? What comfort zone or thought pattern do you need to break out of? What habits do you need to drop? What or who is hindering you? It is time for change. Now is the time. I challenge you . . . I double dare you to revolutionize your spirit and soul. Embrace change and soar to heights you have yet to imagine. You can do it. I know you can. Are you with me?
Revolution: a sudden, radical, or complete change b : a fundamental change in political organization; especially : the overthrow or renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed c : activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation d : a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something : a change of paradigm e : a changeover in use or preference especially in technology synonym see REBELLION Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
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