Last night I was going through some things I had written from years ago and I came across this piece. It was some things- some pearls I had learned over the course of the years and was sharing with a young person that was graduating from college. Just some words of wisdom. I'm glad I came across it as I needed the reminder. I hope you get something from it.
By Wendy M. Reynolds
• Allow only God to define who you are (He is the only one who knows you from your start to your finish). If you allow other people and other things to define you, you may never know who you really are.
• Never allow the mistakes or accomplishments of your past to hinder your future accomplishments (The past is in the past. It is good to look back and reflect on it and learn from it but never was it meant for you to live in it!)
• Take out the time to be good to yourself. Treat yourself better than anyone else could possibly treat you. By loving yourself and by treating yourself good, you set the standard for how other people will treat you. You will not permit others to mistreat or disrespect you.
• Dream large dreams and expect them to come true. Write down your visions, goals and dreams and use them as a blueprint. Look over them frequently and examine yourself daily.
• Seek knowledge and wisdom. They are worth more than silver and gold (They also attract silver and gold).
• Do not be afraid to be creative or try something new.
• Always know that someone is looking to you as an example. Be careful of the life you live and the example you set.
• Don't wait for people to affirm you, agree with you or motivate you.
• Remember that other people will see you as you see you.
• Have friends who are reaching for excellence and who encourage you to reach for excellence. Friends sharpen each other. Their influence can help you to become better or worse.
• Never allow anyone to speak negatively about a friend or anyone else while in your home or in your presence. Refuse to gossip.
• Have at least one or two friends whom you can totally be yourself with without fear or rejection, judgment or condemnation.
• Be willing to invest in the lives of other people and their dreams.
• Be a giver but learn also to receive for this is part of the principles of God and in so doing you are allowing someone else to be blessed by their giving.
• Be your biggest fan and your biggest supporter (but stay humble).
• Always keep in mind the importance of family. For when friends turn their backs on you, family (with all their positives and negatives) should be there - especially parents and siblings. Never allow anyone or anything to come in and cause separation (without good cause) within your family. They (your immediate family) have been with you since you have been you!
• Learn to really listen when someone is speaking to you.
• Speak with confidence and don’t be easily intimidated.
• Read a lot and be willing to learn from others.
• Know that wherever you are in life, whether you like it there or not, there is always something to be learned there.
• Speak the truth and speak words of life.
• Always look for ways to improve yourself in every area of life.
• Allow faith to operate in your life.
• Always remember that God has confidence in your abilities. He designed who you are and He never makes mistakes. So have confidence not only in Him but also in yourself.
• Always remember that promotion comes from God. When God promotes you, there is not a person anywhere that can demote you.
• Take time to get alone with God and meditate on His word on a continual bases and allow Him to purge you, strengthen you and direct you.
• Pray Constantly!
• Set high standards for your life.
• Live excellent!
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